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Message from the Principal

At Yorkville School, it is our obligation to provide help and care for the students new to Canada. We understand that it is challenging to study complex subjects using language you have not mastered yet, for we have been through the same road ourselves. That is why all of our courses will have special emphasis on ESL education and differentiated instructions.
It is our goal to see you become successful, but not just academically. Our goal does not stop at assisting you to receive offers from universities, it is to help prepare you for what is to come after you go to universities. However, being accepted by a good Canadian university is already not an easy task. That is why we must implore the help of the parents and most importantly, your own initiative and passion to learn – because the goal of education isn't just getting into an university, it is about applying the skills and knowledge you learn from each and every single class to your future endeavors.
I must remind all our students that you are the ones responsible for your own future.
Finally, on behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration, I welcome you to our fostering and harmonious learning environment, and good luck.
Tian C (Johnson) Kuang
Principal of Yorkville School

Tian C (Johnson) Kuang
Principal of Yorkville School
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